Six years of service. Long time for anyone in his field. I remember him right from the beginning where he was new in a world of antiquated silver based people. He would be very careful about whom he would mix with, when, and where he would come out. Carefully ensconced away in his protective cover, he was especially wary of the monsoons.
Time passed on, and he found himself getting to be popular. He was the one people would look for at an occasion. Without him, the show just could not go on. The cynosure of any event, yet still open only to his first friend. Slowly, I did make his acquaintence. Thats when he showed off his magical charm. Yet, his true magic blossomed only rarely.
Three years ago, we went to watch the lunar eclipse. A tiring night (or morning, depending on how you look at it), sitting in a field with a tripod, my sister and him, we patiently watched as the moon turned orange, then red, and then slowly, the white returned. I rememeber, my neighbor thought we were crazy that night, sitting outside while the mosquitoes had their field day.
Then we parted ways. For one year and a few months, cities separated us.
A chance visit, and he shifted locations. Now we were inseparable. We saw all kinds of places. All around the garden city, and right across the house I stayed in. Excessive use, and he was the star of every party, of every gathering, and every celebration. Nothing could stop him, or me, now.
Feb, 2006 was a sad month, however. It rarely happens. He was unfortunate to have it. A slight misalignment had him out of use for some time. He tried to recover, and recuperate, but the stress of trying was enough to make it worse. Finally, in May, he agreed to a visit to the clinic. A week with the nurse, and he was in ship shape condition again.
Together we travelled across the oceans, as we reached here to talk abt the Tartan Tales. The recovery wasnt complete, however. He was getting old. The energy would drain from him, and he would take a long time to regain his strength before he could move about again. Soon, all he did was rest. Occasionally, however, he would make his presence felt with the sparkle in his eye.
Today, however, he feels it is time to announce his retirement.
A replacement for him will be very hard to find.