Sunday, February 04, 2007


Its a world full of people. More than that, however, its a world full of lies, acts, and charades. The number of people in the world doesnt help make the number of the latter get any smaller. Deception is a trait that the animal kingdom developed to protect itself from danger, or to give itself an edge in unfavoruable circumstances. Yet, humans seem to have perfected the art.

Its visible everywhere. Nobody is true, or honest. Everyone has their own agenda to propagate. This just makes life worse for all affected. After all, does there exist a philanthropic liar? One who lies so that everyone else is better off than before? If you find him/her, please introduce me to them. I'd want to know more about such a person.

Lies, untruths, fibs, stories, conveniences, the unsaid. Call it what you will, if you are not sharing information, you are deceiving others. People will argue that deception can be good in some circumstances. I agree. Its the same way vaccines are good for us. Small doses of the real thing protect us. Too much of it can kill us.

Deception or maintenance of privacy? Another point to ponder. Friends may ask, friends may question; but if its private, it need not leak. Just dont make stories. Whats the point in that?

The act. Something everyone has perfectted. People here are like onions. They have so many layers, that if u keep peeling them away, u'l never find a pith. Or if you do, its rather small, and useless. Pretense is something that is always visible.

Sometimes, just sometimes, deception may just save the day.. if only to hide the fury.


Ujjwal said...

Dude, never mind! If I write what i want to- it will take me a couple of hours. I spent last night discussing and thinking about this and the result was that my blog had to be closed to save me from such acts of deception. Until we find out whats wrong with our expectation and people's actions, such questions will keep us up. Let me know if you find some interesting point to share!

Aparna Ganguly said...

Deep one. I wonder what is the source of its inception.
But you seem to have reasoned well-
Deception is a trait that the animal kingdom developed to protect itself from danger, or to give itself an edge in unfavoruable circumstances.
I think we can forgive our brethren on those grounds.

But it really blasts the gasket when deception becomes habitual and takes the form of a disease.
Lying to others and lying to oneself could be engendered from the inability to accept reality as it is. The beginning of schizophrenia.

I personally know a person who says 99 lies of 100 things she says about herself.
I identified her lack of self-worth to be the major cause of her condition.
What caused fury has given way to pity. Coz people know about it now and she still can't help it.

"Professional help" is what I prescribe. But it's so much easier to accept physical ill-being than acknowledge the presence of a mental malady.

As for people trying to protect the "privacy" of their lives - give them a break buddy. Maybe they are too afraid to confront the truth themselves.

CandidConfessions said...

Deception, does put u on a different stand in th scheme of things. Nevertheless, iv seen forms of deception directed at oneself.. and these ppl suffer a hell lot! Nothing could get worse than deceiving yourself!

"Until we find out whats wrong with our expectation and people's actions, such questions will keep us up"
More often than not expectations and actions never match - Either we expect a lot or we act less!

Anand Sarolkar said...

"people here are like onions"...I heard my thoughts resonating here. I beleieve every interaction with other people and environment adds to this layer. Its tough to get to the core of oneself forget about others.

Anonymous said...

A white lie is better than a darker truth, sometimes. The world is not perfect, we are not perfect. It wasn't intended to be that way. Enjoy and find small consolation in the fact that at least those who are true to themselves make it a better place to live.

Amit Samant said...

people~onions->excellent analogy!

SwB said...

how u doin bro?

Anonymous said...

Hmm..yep deception is a dual edged sword.

Still Searching said...

I wonder if it will be a good thing if we could know whether the other person is lying or not! I don't think it will be a boon! 'Coz yes, deception is a double-edged sword..