Hows Work?
The standard question these days. Meet anyone you know, and thats the first question that people ask you. Not, "How are you?, but "Hows work?" Its like you have become secondary to the work you are doing. Everywhere you look, all people want to be able to do is to compare their experiences with yours. "Hows your company? Oh yeah. in mine we do this. " Or "My company is awesome, they do this, and that and the other, do you guys also do this?"
Its like a competition. A big ego battle. Isn't it all about the experience too? Your experience? What's the point in the experience, when all you do is sit at your desk and mix with the people you already know. Get out, make new friends, explore the area. The "work" is not all about the company, it also includes the people (thats the real "company"), the places, the real world experiences.
So, hows work?